So I kept looking for a job and interviewing and coming up empty. I painted. I went to an astrologist and a psychic. I began doing yoga 5 times a week. I painted. I collected unemployment. I sold 2 paintings on etsy. I went to Maui in May because I had a free ticket and I could.
I became the president of the corporation for Alpha Xi Delta, when I was in Maui the House director disapeared and I had to move in for the last 2 weeks of school. I spent my entire summer hiring new staff, buying furniture for the lounges, painting the dinning room and bonding with the future membership chair. Good thing I didn't have a job, I was so busy.
Then Summer was almost over and my unemloyment was running out and my brother in law offered me a job working in the winery for the season. My sister said I could live with them rent free. So I packed everything I wanted to keep in 3 door to door storage units. I sold my vintage clothes. I made many trips to Good Will. I gave away all my plants.I packed my car and had my brakes replaced on the day I left Seattle for $800 (they were scary) My dad said I was robbed.
Now it's almost 4 months later and I have no job, the unemployment web site isn't working, the phone line is busy, it's 14 degrees out side and my car is covered in 3 ft. of snow. I'm not sure if I want to live here.
I interviewed with a big Winery winery last Friday and they would be able to offer me a full time job by March but only 10 or 15 hours until then.
So my options are to stay and take this job and find another part time job
OR go to Costa Rica and get my 200 hour yoga teaching cert, I'd be back in mid Feb and could work then for Waterbrook, but I will have spent all my money.
OR move to Portland and look for a job there (because I'm tired of Seattle)

I miss my neice Claire. She 3 and a crazy wild girl, she has been climbing trees since before she 2. In Seattle I saw her a least once a week. She makes me want kids. Here she is picking out a Christmas tree. That's exactly how I feel about Christmas!
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