Sunday, January 11, 2009


I just signed a lease on a house for $625 a month. An entire 2 bedroom house, with one crappy bathroom, a tiny kitchen, a scary storage basement and an inclosed porch. It's going to be great! I had my sister call her friend who has a friend who was looking in December for aplace to live. She was still looking. We signed the lease together. I figure since I don't yet have a job I shouldn't comit to too much.

Now I need to move. I haven't lived in such a small town in forever, I hope this works out in the long run. I don't see my self here forever. It's sort of scary. I am looking at it as a time to renew my comitment to myself and pay my credit cards down. Now I need a job that pays what I was making before I was laid off and not some $10 an hour position.

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