Monday, March 31, 2008


I met with my astrologer today. What he had said would be a 1 hour to 1 1/2 hour session turned into 3 hours. It was to focus on career, which also encompasses money and life work, destiny. My chart tells me change is coming.

It was very draining.

At one point when he was speaking about my sun sign. I began to be filled with gold light. I was so overwhelmed and afrain I began to cry. The energy was so strong I had a difficult time rejecting it. Why I wanted to reject it scareded me. I did. Whe he realized what was happening he looked shocked and got me some tissues. He went on and then turned to me and said what just happened. I tried to tell him but all I could say was that is was very creepy, not the right word. But obviously I was afraid.

The session continued. Things that kept coming up were group, spirutality, service, healing, medicine, child. There was also spirits, dead, dying, hopelessness and a change in values. A loss of material cares. He was very intrigued by the fact that I have seen ghosts, spirits, have premonitions...that's not his thing and he's envious. I need to find out more.

All interesting.
Something bigger than me.
Something I have to find from within.
Something that could change the world.
I can not fear the gold light when it appears again. I need to be ready to embrace it.

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