Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Second Chakra

I went to the svadhyaya yoga class today.
This class is about looking within. Considering what my day was like yesterday I think I needed more.
It was focusing on the second chakra which is in the groin. I can to a very peaceful state and felt one with my body quite a few times during the practice.
At one point I felt a 10% feeling like yesterday of the gold energy pulsing through my body, but we were focusing lower.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the color orange or red-orange. You focus on spinning the second chakra. This chakra often offers us the opportunity to lessen our "control issues" and find a balance in our lives, teaching us to recognize that acceptance and rejection are not the only options in our relationships. The process of making changes in our life stream through our personal choices is a product of second chakra energy. A well-functioning second chakra helps one to maintain a healthy yin-yang existence.

Chakra Two - Associations
Color - orange
Physical Location - lower abdomen to the navel
Purposes - emotional connection
Spiritual Lesson - creativity, manifestation.

Dring the practice I heard a voice that told me to ask the instructor for help afterwards, that she wouldn't be able to help me but would know someone who could. It was very strong. So I did. I don't think I could have left the room without asking.

When I told her about my experience, I began to cry again. I asked her for help, but she couldn't help me. I didn't tell her that something had said she would know someone to help me, I guess I was afraid (fucking fear again!) But as I was putting on my shoes she said I have a channeler (she was afraid too!) do you think she could help?

This was it. This was what I was suposed to find out from her. So she gave me a name and I'll see what the spirits have in store.

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