Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 random memories about work

1. i was a nanny for 2 years in college
2. i worked one summer at the pool on campus handing out towels, saw a lot of naked ladies
3. i started working in retail after i graduated from college
4. i sold pens
5. i sold art supplies
6. i sold furniture
7. i've only had one job where i mostly just cruised the internet, it was borning
8. while working in soho, I helped Molly Ringwald buy a pillow and I look nothing like her
9. i've managed many people and written many reviews
10. i fired a woman who was stealing money
11. i've been a barista
12. people have paid for my art work
13. i worked at Pottery Barn and was pissed because we could only wear black and white (and kahaki which I don't wear)
14.awesome people are the reason i stayed at jobs i hated
15. i used to have panic attacks on Sunday nights while working at Starbucks
16. i smoked pot with my coworkers, but not at work
17. i've had a drink with coworkers and then gone back to work
18. i've never slept with any of my coworkers while we were working together
19. a coworker showed me his new penis piercing while at work in the back room
20. i have hired people within 15 minutes of meeting them
21. i always got every job i applied to, except in the last 2 years
22. i have never been fired but i have been laid off
23. i have worked with so many awesome people who i would work with again
24. i was told by an astrologist last year that i should try not to work for anyone but myself, unfortunately i'm looking a for a job

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